20 diseases caused by bacteria pdf

The vast majority of bacteria do not cause disease, and many bacteria are actually helpful and even necessary for good health. The causes of stds are bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Feb 27, 2010 can someone give 20 diseases caused by bacteria and its prevention. Widespread noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer are not included. Finding bacteria cdc pdf pdf 151kb microbiologists play an important role in solving the mystery of. Bacterial diseases include any type of illness caused by bacteria. Bacterial diseases information including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, causes. Here you find the list of diseases in a tabular form and also details of some important ones. They are caused by some genetic abnormality or metabolic disorder or malfunctioning of an organ. May 02, 2018 bacteria which retain a crystal violet dye are called gram positive bacteria.

Bmc infectious diseases bacterial and fungal diseases. By contrast, several thousand species exist in the human digestive system. Bacteria can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. Thus, this post is very helpful for the upcoming government exams. One example of a bacterial pathogen that damages host tissue is the bacterium that causes tuberculosis.

Define emerging disease and explain why emerging diseases are a threat to human health. Name of diseases caused by bacteria garden design ideas. Lesson summary bacterial diseases microorganisms that cause diseases are known as pathogens. Food poisoning is caused by foodborne bacteria, such as salmonella or e. A variety of microorganisms were elucidated to cause infectious diseases in the latter half of the 19th century.

Human diseases pdf download notes for ssc cgl 2017,upsc,nda,cds a. Bacteria typically range in size from 200 nanometers a nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter in diameter. Invasive pneumococcal diseases ipds include meningitis and bacteremia. Most airborne diseases caused by bacteria involve the respiratory system. Identify typical signs and symptoms of viral diseases spread by airborne transmission 3. Common diseases of tomatoes part ii diseases caused by. Pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that can cause disease. Widespread noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Bacterial diseases occur when pathogenic bacteria get into an area of the body that is normally sterile, such as the bladder, or when they crowd. Impacts of gut bacteria on human health and diseases. Viral infections of the respiratory tract viruses cause respiratory tract infections more frequently than bacteria, and. Ncert science textbooks class 612, wikipedia microbes or microorganisms microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, some algae, viruses, viroids and also prions that are proteinacious infectious agents. Candida normally lives on the skin and inside the body, in places such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing any problems.

When these bacteria get into other areas of the body, they can cause infection. Unlike those diseases caused by microorganisms like fungi and protozoa these bacterial infections are deadly. This list is very important for one day exams and upsc exams. Report the two common arthropodborne viral diseases. Chemical control strategies that may be required are updated annually in the osu extension agents handbook of insect, plant disease and weed control circular e832. Some pneumococcal infections are considered invasive when the infection occurs in areas parts of the body that are normally sterile. A type of strep throat is caused by chains of round. Streptococcus pneumoniae, invasive pneumococcal disease ipd.

List of human diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Bacterial diseases bacterial infection symptoms, causes. List human diseases caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa. Viral conjunctivitis is often caused by adenoviruses and may be associated with the common cold. Some bacteria destroy living cells and the tissues of the. Bacterial disease, any of a variety of illnesses caused by bacteria. Foodborne disease cdc pdf pdf 156kb foodborne diseases are sometimes caused by tiny bacteria that makes us sick.

These pathogens easily pass on from plant to plant, through air, soil, water, use of tools, insects, etc. List human diseases caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, and. Foodborne diseases the challenges of 20 years ago still. Define emerging disease, and explain why emerging diseases are a threat to human health. However, parasitic diseases are caused by contagious pathogens. Gk human diseases caused by bacteria viruses protozoa. Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast a type of fungus called candida. Acellular pathogens and diseases biology libretexts. Report the common viral diseases spread by airborne. Streptococcus pneumoniae, invasive pneumococcal disease. Bacteria produce disease in one of two general ways. Bacteria diseases, viral diseases, fungus diseases, protozoa diseases. Human disease in this topic we are going to figure out some serious diseases caused by various types of bacteria, viruses protozoa and fungus.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Bacterial diseases bacteria cause disease in two ways. Here we are sharing list of all diseases caused by various bacteria,protozoa and viruses. When the gut bacteria undergo some imbalance, several diseases may occur. Diseases caused by bacteria and viruses bacterial diseases pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease all known prokaryotic pathogens are bacteria louis pasteur helped establish the germ theory of disease by showing bacteria responsible for many human and animal diseases bacterial diseases produced in 2 general ways.

Some infectious diseases are contagious or communicable, that is, spread from one person to another. The largest bacterial cells are visible with the naked eye. Microbiological classification of infectious diseases. This document is pp249, one of a series of the plant pathology department, ufifas extension.

The chart below shows key terms from the lesson with their definitions. In this manual infectious agents which cause infection and illness are called pathogens. Microbes or microorganisms diseases caused by microorganisms diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoans and fungi. Guidelines for identification and management of plant disease. Conversely, a number of diseases that impact humans are caused by bacteria. Human diseases pdf download notes for ssc cgl 2017,upsc,nda. History of antimicrobial agents and resistant bacteria. List human diseases caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa hello friends welcome to. List of human diseases caused by bacteria,virus,fungi,protozoa.

Guidelines for identification and management of plant. List of 10 important bacterial diseases human health biology. Bacteria diseases, viral diseases, fungus diseases, protozoa diseases list of human diseases caused by bacteria,virus,fungi,protozoa psc online book. The bacteria survive on diseased plant debris and on tomato seed. In such cases, the antibiotic used to treat illness may need to be changed or a patient may need to take antibiotics for a longer period. Bacteria aid in food digestion, nutrient absorption, vitamin production, and protect against other harmful microbes. The simplest of organisms, bacteria are thought to be the most ancient. These pathogens can be found in the air, soil and water, and infection can occur as a result of touching, eating or drinking something that is infected with a germ. Gk, general studies, optional notes for upsc, ias, banking, civil services. This section aims to publish studies looking at all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of bacterial and fungal diseases in humans, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. A type of strep throat is caused by chains of round bacteria cells. History of antimicrobial agents and resistant bacteria jmaj 522. Klebsiella bacteria are normally found in the human intestines and in human stool. Correlate airborne viral infection and disease severity with viral virulence factors 1.

In india as well as in the world many people often search for different human diseases and their scientific name of micro germs. Although most bacteria are harmless or often beneficial, some are pathogenic, with the number of species estimated as fewer than a hundred that are seen to cause infectious diseases in humans. List of human diseases caused by bacteria,virus,fungi. Other bacteria release chemicals that upset homeostasis in an organism. Bacterial diseases bacteria are microscopic, singlecelled organisms bacte. Bacterial spot is also a serious disease of pepper. Diseases caused by viruses are called viral infections. Sexually transmitted diseases stds are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Diseases caused by bacteria are responsible for many deaths in the world since many centuries. Some species of candida can cause infection in people. Bacterial diseases are caused by harmful bacteria pathogenic bacteria.

If the organism can cause infection, it is an infectious agent. Strep throat is caused when the bacteria streptococcus infects the throat. Common bacterial cell shapes include cocci spherical, bacilli rodshaped, spiral, and vibrio. Around 23 questions from this topic are asked in every exam. Mar 02, 2017 a read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.

Guidelines for identification and management of plant disease problems. List of diseases caused by virus, bacteria, protozoa and worm. Gathering evidence cdc pdf pdf 145kb doctors and nurses gather evidence from sick people to find out if food made them ill. Sexually transmitted diseases std venereal disease. Tests and diagnosis the only way to identify a klebsiella infection is to collect and test appropriate specimens in the. This pathogen is inhaled into the lungs, where its growth triggers an immune response that can destroy large areas of tissue. Diagnosing plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses1 ken pernezny, monica elliott, aaron palmateer, and nikol havranek2 1. List of different human diseases caused by bacteria viruses protozoa and fungi. Bacterial diseases in humans biology 2e bc open textbooks. Some bacteria destroy living cells and tissues of the infected organism directly, while some cause tissue damage when they provoke a response from the immune system. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Section edited by ivan fn hung, jorge garbino and kelvin to.

Pdf microbes are called diseasecausing microbes and can make. Some bacteria destroy living cells and the tissues of the infected organisms. Decide if the methods listed in the chart below control, prevent, or treat bacterial diseases. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are all common types of pathogens that can cause pathogenic, or infectious, diseases. Report the common viral diseases spread by airborne transmission 2. In this gardenerdy article, we shall have a look at a list of common plant diseases that are encountered in. Identify bacterial diseases that caused historically important plagues and epidemics. Typhoid fever is a lifethreatening illness caused by the bacterium salmonella. Chapter 2 disease and disease transmission an enormous variety of organisms exist, including some which can survive and even develop in the body of people or animals.

Gut bacteria play an important role in human health, such as supplying essential nutrients, synthesizing vitamin k, aiding in the digestion of cellulose, and promoting angiogenesis and enteric nerve function. Microbes cause disease in the course of stealing space, nutrients, andor living tissue from. Bacterial diseases 12 common diseases that are caused by. Those bacteria that do not retain the crystal violet dye and are either colored red or pink are referred to as the gram negative bacteria. Gut bacteria are an important component of the microbiota ecosystem in the human gut, which is colonized by 10 14 microbes, ten times more than the human cells. Today we will be covering a very important topic from the biology part of the general knowledge section that is list of diseases caused by virus, bacteria, protozoa and worm. This article is a list of deaths caused by an infectious disease. Until the mid 20th century, bacterial pneumonia was probably the leading cause of death. Streptococcus pneumoniae, also called pneumococcus, is a bacteria that causes an acute infection. List of 20 diseases caused by bacteria and viruses in humans. Important diseases and causative agents for exam study.

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